Here Be Dragons: Geomancy of Cauda & Caput Draconis Course Series


Here Be Dragons: Geomancy of Cauda & Caput Draconis Course Series


A three-part course series exploring the particular meanings and magics of the two Draconic geomantic figures of The Dragon’s Head and The Dragon’s Tail, and considering operations patronized by these prosperous and dangerous virtues and spirits. The three 90-minute class recordings that make up this series are supported with documents including full scans of early modern geomancy handbooks, a bibliography for further study, and a full list of further course recordings available from Dr Cummins upon request.

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Fertile blessings and fiery destruction, two of the Sixteen Figures often elude the western geomancer... Approaching most of the Sixteen of the geomantic oracle through the lens of their planetary Ruling Spirits gives us a firm foundation for understanding their virtues, sympathies and antipathies. Yet how might we address those figures less often straightforwardly attributed a planet and sign? We refer, of course, to the Head and Tail of the Dragon: those figures of the Lunar Nodes, charting fundamental shifting relations between Sun, Moon, and Earth.

In this three-part course recording series, we examine the divinatory meanings of the serpentine Figures of Cauda and Caput Draconis through the Twelve Houses and the Two Witnesses of the shield. Caput Draconis is known for its new beginnings and its blossoming blessings available to those who choose to walk through its open doorways. In this class we also explore and grow our appreciation of its gentleness, its tranquility, and its tidings of health, prosperity, and amicable familial accord. Conversely Cauda Draconis is infamous for its often violent endings and terrible misfortunes. Through the three class recordings of this course, we investigate its specific affinities for troubles, scandals, dangers, and fires.

Crucially this Advanced Geomancy module arms students with some methodologies and means to avoid and even ameliorate the destructions of this thrashing Tail. Similarly we survey various techniques to hearken to the wisdoms and better receive and enact the benedictions straight from the Dragon's mouth.

The three class recordings of this course series break down as follows:

Session 1: Sun, Moon, & Earth
In which we consider lunar nodes in all their astrophysics and mythic wonder and mayhem. We approach The Head and The Tail via Agrippa’s counsel on both dragons and images of dragons, as we journey through node lore and legend for some especially geomantic dimensions for understanding and working with these Draconic figures.

Session 2: Straight From The Dragon’s Mouth
In which we offer dedicated celebration of the manifold blessings, benedictions, and boons – both spiritual and material – that Caput Draconis, the benevolent Dragon’s Head, can offer us. We consider and pay homage to the particularly Earthy mysteries of this figure who salutes both the Benefics of Venus and Jupiter. We consider how Caput sings in the Twelve Houses as well as a few plant and mineral allies that can aid and nurture our work with this figure and its gentle spirits.  

Session 3: The Thrashing Tail’s Wake
In which we offer dedicated cautions of the manifold dangers, devils, and disasters  – both spiritual and material – that Cauda Draconis, the malevolent Dragon’s Tail, can visit upon us. We consider and give due honour to the particularly Fiery mysteries of this figure who salutes both the Malefics of Mars and Saturn. We consider how Cauda screams in the Twelve Houses as well as a few plant and mineral allies that can marshall and detonate our work with this figure and its violent spirits.


By purchasing this class, you agree that you understand that no part of the material dictated or provided throughout the duration of the course may be reproduced, distributed, or used in any other form (neither electronic nor mechanic, including photocopies and recordings), without the direct and written consent of the instructor, Dr Alexander Cummins.