Rune Soup Interview - An Excellent Booke

You may well be aware I've been talking about about the Excellent Booke for quite some time now - mostly in terms of how it is a detailed sixteenth-century account of how one can work with dead magicians as tutelary spirits. Because it is! The necromancers among my readership should also be very interested in the material in contained on Azazel as 'ruler of the dead', 'owner of dead men's bodies', and 'keeper of the dry bones'...

So here's myself and Gordon White at Rune Soup going over exactly that. The Booke is available for pre-order from Scarlet Imprint right now. I'm inordinately proud of the work Phil Legard and I put in on this, and I truly hope you'll check it out as I think it really advances discourses and practices of pre-modern spirit conjuration, necromancy, thaumaturgy, scrying, and demonology in ways that absolutely enrich our own works. Cheers!