Class-bundles are downloadable one-off classes that give both an overview of a subject, and a number of primary and secondary sources that let you get an in depth understanding of it. They feature a recording of a long-form illustrated lecture, full scans of cited documents and literature - from pre-modern books of magic to treatises on occult philosophy and a variety of related sources - as well as bibliographies and recommended further reading lists, and supplementary supporting material - lecture notes, slides, and so on. They are free-standing independent modules on a variety of topics drawn from my research and practices.
A one-off self-contained class (originally presented at the AstroMagia conference of 2024) delving into the relationships between the divination and sorcery of astrology, geomancy, and the spirits of the stars as well as those of plants, minerals, and the dead.
This class-bundle consists of a 70-minute illustrated lecture recording, as well as offering access to full scans of the pre-modern primary sources on geomancy (including fully searchable .txt files scans of these sources), with suggested reading survey and follow-up courses to further explore these topics and techniques.
A four-part course series teaching the practical fundamentals of working the Grimorium Verum, that infamous nigromantic handbook of spirit conjuration, pacting, and ‘supernatural secrets’. This series consists of four class recordings of two-and-a-half-hours length each: overviewing the text, examining the spirits and their offices, considering the tools and protocols, and exploring the spellcrafts and experiments; as well as offering bibliographies of recommended reading and further study.
A one-off self-contained presentation recording on the three central herbs of the True Grimoire, that infamous manual of goetic spirit conjuration, exploring practices for working with hallowed waters and these potent plant-allies in nigromantic operations and experiments; offering comparative study of asperging practices in the grimoires, as well as investigation into the role, offices, and character of Elelogaap, the kingly spirit of the waters in this manual of goetia.
This class-bundle consists of a recording of hour-and-a-half of illustrated lecture, the slide-deck for student’s own notes, along with a bibliography and full set of suggested reading to follow up in their own investigations and experimentations as well as a course list of further class and course recordings on necromancy and goetic magic. This presentation was originally made at the Botanica Obscura Conference in March 2024.
A seven-part course series exploring the grimoiric magic of seven historical handbooks of spirit conjuration and spellcraft: the Heptameron, the Arbatel, the Cambridge Book of Magic, the Excellent Booke, the Grimoire of Pope Honorius, the Key of Solomon, and the Grimorium Verum. This series consists of seven two-hour long class recordings, the accompanying illustrated slide-decks, and a bibliography for further recommended study.
A self-contained one-off class-bundle exploring the history and practical application of this popular early modern grimoire, the Heptameron; consisting of a two-hour long-form illustrated lecture, accompanying slide-deck, and a bibliography of further recommended study. No previous knowledge or experience of grimoiric magic necessary.
A self-contained one-off class-bundle exploring the history and practical application of the popular early modern grimoire the Arbatel, consisting of a two-hour long-form illustrated lecture, the accompanying slide-deck, and a bibliography of further recommended study. No previous knowledge or experience of grimoiric magic necessary.
A self-contained one-off class-bundle exploring the history and practical application of the early modern grimoiric collection, the Cambridge Book of Magic, consisting of a two-hour long-form illustrated lecture, the accompanying slide-deck, and a bibliography of further recommended study. No previous knowledge or experience of grimoiric magic necessary.
A self-contained one-off class-bundle exploring the history and practical application of the early modern grimoire the Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke; consisting of a two-hour long-form illustrated lecture, the accompanying slide-deck, and a bibliography of further recommended study. No previous knowledge or experience of grimoiric magic necessary.
A self-contained one-off class-bundle exploring the history and practical application of the early modern grimoire(s) attributed to the authorship of Pope Honorius; consisting of a two-hour long-form illustrated lecture, the accompanying slide-deck, and a further bibliography of further recommended study. No previous knowledge or experience of grimoiric magic necessary.
A three-part course series investigating the pact-based spiritwork and spellcraft of this thus-far-underexamined sixteenth-century English manual of goetic conjuration and sorcery.
This series consists of three class recordings of over 90-minutes length each: overviewing manuscripts, examining the Science’s spirits and their offices, investigating the patronages of Asmoday and Saint Cyprian over this handbook of nigromancy, and exploring this grimoire’s spellcrafts and experiments. Slide-decks offering transcription of instructions and sigil-characters are also included for practical magicians.